Saturday, June 1, 2019

Enochian Scripture :: essays research papers

Enochian Scripture     Should Enochian Scripture and the Necronomicon be considered as a truereligion, or hardly another offshoot of Satanism, cult?     The Necronomicon is closest documented translation of the originalEnochian scripture, the Necronomicon Manuscript. The Necronomicon was firsttranslated in Damascus in 730 A.D. by Abdul Alhazred.     The Necronomicon, is not, as popularly believed, a grimoire, orsorcerors spell- entertain it was conceived as a history, and so "a book of thingsnow dead and gone". An alternative derivation of the word Necronomicon gives asits meaning "the book of the customs of the dead", but again this is consistentwith the books original conception as a history, not as a work of necromancy.But the generator shared with Madame Blavatsky, who has a magpie-like tendency togather and stitch together fact, rumor, speculation, and complete balderdash,and the result is a vast and almost unreadable array of near-nonsense whichbears more than a superficial resemblance to Blavatskys "Secret Doctrine".In times past the book has been referred to as "Al Azif", or "The Book of theArab". Azif is a word the Arabs hold to refer to nocturnal insects, but it isalso a reference to the howling of demons. It was written in seven volumes, andis over 900 pages long in the Latin edition. Abdul Alhazred      lower-ranking is known about Abdul Alhazred. What we do know about him islargely from the small amount of biographical information in the Necronomiconitself. He traveled widely, from Alexandria to the Punjab, and was intumesceeducated. He had a flair for languages, and boasts on many occasions of hisability to read and translate manuscripts which many lesser scholars could nottranslate.     Just as Nostradamus used ritual magic to see into the future, soAlhazred used similar techniques (and an incense compo sed of olibanum, storax,dictamnus, opium and hashish) to clarify the past, and it is this, combined witha lack of references, which resulted in the Necronomicon being dismissed aslargely worthless by historians.     He is often referred to as "the mad Arab", and while he was certainlyeccentric by modern standards, there is no evidence to support a claim ofmadness. He is better compared with figures such as the Greek philosopherProclus (410-485 A.D.), who was completely at home in astronomy, mathematics,philosophy, and metaphysics, but was well educated in the magical techniques oftheurgy to evoke Hekate to visible appearance he was also a founder of Egyptianand Chaldean mystery religions. It is no apoplexy that Alhazred was veryfamiliar with the works of Proclus. What is The Necronomicon?     Alhazred appears to have had access to many sources now lost, and events

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